Open Houses Still Make Sense

Open Houses Still Make Sense

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It’s easy to look around at the digital world and determine that open houses are archaic and obsolete, but in fact they remain a useful tool for a seller who wants to get their house off their hands for a good price.

Yes, there are lots of ways to share your listing online.  Virtual home tours have come a long way and can make it feel almost like you’re inside that home.  But the question is – will all of these pictures lead to a serious buyer who has the cash?  Or does it take more than just a virtual touch to get a buyer to take action on your home?

Turning Prospective Buyers into Active Buyers

An open house does more than just show people your home, it gives them the opportunity to really imagine themselves in that space, living in it and breathing it.  Pictures online can’t portray the feel of the height of a living room ceiling or the texture of hardwood floors under your feet.  An open house changes a fantasy into a reality.  Images on a computer screen of your listing might as well be images of a fictional home on a television show.  But when a buyer comes into your home it becomes real to them.  They begin to place their furniture and picture their family in the home. That kind of emotional attachment is why people love their homes and what gets buyers excited about a property.

A Gauge for Sellers

An open house allows sellers to get a feel for what the market is like and what buyers are interested in.  There’s a personal interaction there that doesn’t exist in the virtual world.  Buyers ask questions at open houses, and these questions lead sellers to a deeper understanding of what’s going on in the market so that they can adapt and improve their listing to meet those market demands.

Does an Open House Make Sense for YOU?

Let’s face it – selling your home can be a rough process.  But an open house just might get the right person in the door if the real estate market has been getting you down.  Open houses allow you the opportunity to show off your property and learn more about the people who are in the market for a new home.  However, open houses can be a lot of work. If opening your house up seems like too much work there are other options.  Investors can offer you cash for your house and will typically buy in any condition so there is no work for you to do.  Investors may not pay top dollar but if convenience is what you want give a few investors a call.

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